Teaching Your Teen Gratitude Through Faith: A Guide for Parents
Whitney Akins Whitney Akins

Teaching Your Teen Gratitude Through Faith: A Guide for Parents

As parents, we want our teens to grow into kind, grateful, and faith-filled individuals. But in a world filled with distractions, comparisons, and pressures, teaching gratitude can feel like an uphill battle. Gratitude, however, is more than just polite manners—it’s a heart posture that shapes their relationship with God and others.

Here are practical ways to teach your teen gratitude, rooted in Christian faith.

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Becoming Assertive After Trauma, Anxiety, and Codependency
Whitney Akins Whitney Akins

Becoming Assertive After Trauma, Anxiety, and Codependency

being assertive is especially difficult after they have endured trauma or struggle with anxiety and codependency in relationships.
Many toxic relationships force a person to lose their sense of self as they begin to distrust themselves and others. This creates a cycle of low self-esteem, fear of conflict, and attachment issues. This cycle can create poor boundaries that leave the person feeling invisible and fearful in the relationship.

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