When your prayers are intimidating you, it’s a good thing: Moving the mountain of stress in Christian Counseling.

Glad you are here! All you have to do now is breathe and reflect..

I was struck this week during a bible study with a quote that about knocked me out of my chair. It was just on a white board and I have no idea who wrote it, but I could tell that it was intentionally directed to me.

"If your prayers are not intimidating you, then they are insulting to God"

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    Prayer in the time of struggle - squarespace image

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    Have I been praying with the authority that he has placed in my heart? Am I praying with the boldness of the apostles and martyrs that have come before me? No way.

    Lately, my prayers are pretty meek. I'm kind of just thankful to be here and be surviving. But deep down, I know I have more to ask and I know that God wants more of me and for me.

    I feel that there is a big mountain in the way of me making some major progress in areas of my life. Anyone else feel that way??

    What mountain can you pray he moves? Do you believe he can change your circumstance?

    How many times have you found yourself in a crisis and only saw the mountain ahead and not the road in front of you.

    The mountain is huge, and impossible to get past. But, the road in front of you may be narrow or even rugged, but it's there. A way out!

    black and white mountain and road

    mountain and road way out - Squarespace

    Ask yourself, what is in my control and what do I know to be true? The truth is that I am in crisis but I am in control of my next step. The truth is also that I can not manage the mountain alone. Can you ask the Lord to remove the mountain in front of you and give you the courage to take the next right step?

    Maybe you tell the mountain of debt, fear, grief, trauma, etc that you are not the one to fix it. Maybe, in your mind, you tell the mountain that you see it but all you can do today is to take the next step. What does your mountain need to hear to go away?

    With your mountain gone, maybe the next step is...

    • Setting a boundary in a difficult relationship

    • Taking a walk to clear your head

    • Having that difficult conversation that you have been avoiding

    • Trying something new to build your self-worth

    • Applying for that school or job in order to move forward in your goals

    Praying with shaking knees and an intimidated heart is the kind of praying that changes circumstances. You are on the brink of change when you are asking for what you need from a Father who is more than able to provide.

    We are blessed, as Christians, to have a direct line of communication with a Lord that delivers on his promises. We are not guaranteed a life of ease but we are guaranteed a Lord that walks with us in our crisis and can carry the emotional burden for us.

    If you are in need of prayer or therapy services, please feel free to reach out. Also, please sign up for my free newsletter if you are interested in receiving weekly devotionals and self-guided therapy tools to use at t home.

    Be well, Whitney


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