How I Fight The Anxiety Bully: From A Christian Counselor
What does your anxiety look like? Mine looks like chronic chatter from a bully that lives in my mind. He tells me that I am a loser, a failure, and that I’m unimportant. My bully also tries to convince me to never progress or grow spiritually or personally. He tries to tell me that binge eating and avoiding responsibilities is a healthy way to cope with stress. He also wants me angry and bitter at the world and those closest to me.
How does God view Boundaries?
The problem is that many of us are never taught how to place and hold a boundary that protects our being. Broadly speaking on behalf of Gen X, we were never taught how to hold space for our own needs and values. We were sort of shot out like a cannon and wished well on our endeavor into personhood. So now, all of us are in therapy trying to learn to do this with all the baggage of kids, mortgages, careers, and aging parents. Overwhelmed much?!!!