Christian Counseling and Therapy In Texas : Reclaim Yourself and Your Faith
Whitney Akins Whitney Akins

Christian Counseling and Therapy In Texas : Reclaim Yourself and Your Faith

Life’s struggles can leave you feeling hopeless, overwhelmed, and unsure of where to turn. If you’ve endured emotional or spiritual abuse, battled anxiety or depression, or feel stuck in patterns of fear, self-doubt, and broken relationships—you are not alone. At The Therapy House, based in Weatherford, Texas, I offer Christian counseling to help you reclaim your identity, reconnect with your authentic self, and build a life rooted in peace, healing, and spiritual renewal.

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Building  faith while living with scrupulosity type Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD)
OCD, anxiety, religious abuse Whitney Akins OCD, anxiety, religious abuse Whitney Akins

Building faith while living with scrupulosity type Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD)

Scrupulosity is a form of OCD in which the individual is overly concerned with living out a morally perfect faith. Living with scrupulosity type Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD) can be an incredibly challenging experience. These conditions often bring about intense feelings of guilt, fear, and doubt, particularly in matters of salvation and atonement. Common symptoms are constant seeking reassurance, obsessions about sin and salvation, and compulsive religious rituals such as confession and prayer. Research supports that improvements are seen through psychotherapy approaches that include both cognitive and faith-based tools.

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How I Fight The Anxiety Bully: From A Christian Counselor
christian counseling, mindfulness Whitney Akins christian counseling, mindfulness Whitney Akins

How I Fight The Anxiety Bully: From A Christian Counselor

What does your anxiety look like? Mine looks like chronic chatter from a bully that lives in my mind. He tells me that I am a loser, a failure, and that I’m unimportant. My bully also tries to convince me to never progress or grow spiritually or personally. He tries to tell me that binge eating and avoiding responsibilities is a healthy way to cope with stress. He also wants me angry and bitter at the world and those closest to me.

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When survival mode stole my self-identity, I found it in self-compassion and faith.
Whitney Akins Whitney Akins

When survival mode stole my self-identity, I found it in self-compassion and faith.

I’ve been speaking a lot lately about the difficult process of untangling oneself from years of trauma, anxiety, and fight or flight. This untangling involves forming a self-identity that was suppressed under the chaos of survival mode. Recently, I’ve had several conversations with women and men who have realized that they do not even know themselves.

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Is Trauma Therapy Right For Me?
Whitney Akins Whitney Akins

Is Trauma Therapy Right For Me?

Does this sound familiar? Your mood swings are unpredictable, you suffer from nightmares and anxiety, and you feel overwhelmed with daily tasks. As you walk through life, you feel disconnected and lost and find that your relationships are suffering. You have a persistent sense of sadness and fear that comes out of nowhere.

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